My English Learning Log~英語学習の記録:習慣化とアウトプットを目的として

2023.10.25 Log







BBC Learning English

6 Minutes English: How green is your money?


John Fleetwood
It was always viewed, I think, as a niche thing, something for those that had very clear views on the world, social views. That’s now broadened hugely, and there’s great concern about greenwashing so who’s jumping on the bandwagon? - that’s a huge concern amongst investors. So, what I’m doing is to tackle that and actually to say, okay, which are the funds that are actually making a positive social and environmental impact?

greenwashing: 企業が環境に配慮しているように見せかけて,投資家や消費者を誤認させること。

jumping on the bandwagon: ほんとうはinterestingでないが,そのように装い,活動すること(流行・人気に飛び乗っていく感じ)

what I'm doing to tackle that: 私が取り組んでいるのは~だ


Richard Curtis
You know, when I started this everyone said, well you know all the mechanisms and all the accounting and all the transparency isn't quite there yet, but Mark Carney said to me, ‘Go for it!’ because it will be… the more that people become interested, the more transparent companies will have to be, the more examples they'll give you of good things that you're investing in… so that, as it were, it will get better the more the spotlight is put on exactly what an ethical or sustainable pension is doing.

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the more that people become interested, the more transparent companies will have to (~でなければならない) be, the more examples they'll (=the companies will) give you of good things that you're interesting in...

so that: いわば

what an ethical or sustainable pension is doing: 倫理的な年金や持続可能な年金が何をしているのか 

